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Avempartha (豆瓣)
来自 : 豆瓣读书 发布时间:2021-03-25

The secret is in the tower. The problem is the beast.The answer is two thieves. ABOUT THE BOOK When a destitute young woman hires Royce and Hadrian to help save her remote village from nocturnal attacks, they are once more drawn into the schemes of the wizard Esrahaddon. While Royce struggles to breech the secrets of an ancient elven tower, Hadrian attempts to rally the villagers to defend themselves against the unseen killer. Once more, what begins with the simple theft of a sword places the two thieves at the center of a firestorm but this time the outcome could change the future of Elan. ABOUT THE SERIES Although part of a multi-book saga, Avempartha is a stand-alone story and can be read independently of the series. Instead of a string of sequels, The Riyria Revelations is a six-book series conceived as a single epic tale divided into individual episodes. All were written before the first was released. The books are being released one every 6 months. The first The Crown Conspiracy was released October 2008.

Avempartha 作者: Michael Sullivan 出版社: Ridan Publishing出版年: 2009-4-1页数: 344定价: USD 13.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780979621116...Avempartha,Michael Sullivan,Ridan Publishing,2009-4-1,简介,作者,书评,论坛,推荐,二手图书Avempartha 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐Avempartha (豆瓣)

本文链接: http://emsullivan.immuno-online.com/view-755075.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)